Hypertension is one of the most common and treatable diseases in the United States. When you have high blood pressure, the walls of your arteries narrow, causing the heart to work overtime. The more your heart tries to pump blood against narrow arteries, the higher your blood pressure can rise. Along with proper diet and exercise, maintenance medication is prescribed to at-risk patients so they can keep living healthy lives.
How to Know If You Have Hypertension
The signs and symptoms of high blood pressure are not always easy to spot; some may not even feel anything. But just because you don’t have obvious signs of hypertension, it doesn’t mean that you should take this condition lightly. It could still lead to serious health problems and worsen in the long run. If you regularly experience any of the symptoms below, it is time to consult with your doctor.
Irregular heartbeat
Dizziness in the morning
Constant lightheadedness
Easily fatigued
Nausea and vomiting
Fainting and confusion
Vision and hearing problems
Chest pain and anxiety
Tips on Treating Hypertension
The good news if you have high blood pressure is that it is treatable with a few lifestyle changes and proper medication. Successfully controlling your blood pressure through healthy habits is key to improving the quality of your life. Here are some tips on how to manage hypertension:
Eat a diet consisting of whole foods and vegetables
Lose the extra pounds and avoid fatty and salty food
Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption
Drink caffeine in smaller amounts
Avoid stress or learn how to cope with stress
Regularly monitor your blood pressure at home
Follow your doctor’s advice on your medication
How Atenolol Works to Treat Hypertension
Atenolol is a prescription medication for the treatment of hypertension and some types of angina. It is a once or twice daily medication that works by allowing blood to flow more easily. Aside from treating high blood pressure, it also addresses arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat, as well as certain types of angina or chest pain. By managing your blood pressure, affordable Atenolol also helps reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. Atenolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. This type of medication works by changing the body’s response to certain nerve impulses, including ones in the heart. It can be taken twice a day, 10 to 12 hours apart, with or without food at the same time daily.
Commonly Asked Questions About Atenolol
Can you buy Atenolol from Canada?
Yes, you may buy Atenolol online in Canada through your trusted pharmacy partner, USA Script Helpers. At USA Script Helpers, we are committed to providing you with quality medication in a convenient and hassle-free manner. You may also buy Atenolol without Medicare from us.
Do you need a prescription for Atenolol?
Yes, Atenolol is a medication that requires a prescription. You may submit a digital copy of your prescription to us by uploading it directly to the website or sending it to us through email or fax. Once we have your prescription on file, we can process your order. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on how to submit a prescription to USA Script Helpers.
Can Americans buy Atenolol from Canada?
Yes, people in the United States may buy Atenolol with USA Script Helpers through our easy-to-use website. Simply search for Atenolol, then proceed to the checkout process, and send your prescription to us.
USA Script Helpers is an established Pharmacy Partner with over 10+ years of experience. For more information about USH being an established Pharmacy Partner, please contact us at our toll-free number: 1 (888) 646-7749. USH is open 365 days a year. When Medicare is out, count us in.