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Attention All Customers Effective as of Thursday, October 5th 2023 8PM CST *ALL orders for Ozempic 4mg/3ml will be temporarily unavailable for purchase until Mid November. Join our waiting list or contact us directly to be notified once inventory is available. Ozempic 2mg/3ml is still available for purchase. Maximum 3 pens per customer. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.

⚠️January 2nd • Cold Chain Shipments will resume.
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Use USH5OFF code to receive 5% off on your first order. Call Us Now : 1 (888) 646-7749

What You Need to Know About Skyrizi (Risankizumab)

USA Script Helpers

Skyrizi (risankizumab) is a prescription medication used to treat moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. It is an injectable medication that can be self-administered at home. Skyrizi has been approved by the FDA, and it has been shown to provide fast and long-lasting relief from psoriasis symptoms. 

But before you buy this medication, there are some important things you need to know. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about buying Skyrizi from Canada, how to get a prescription, and the benefits of taking Skyrizi.

Prescription Required Medication 

Skyrizi requires a prescription because it is classified as a controlled substance in both the U.S. and Canada. This means that it can only be obtained with a valid doctor’s prescription and cannot be purchased over-the-counter without one. The good news is that most patients who are prescribed Skyrizi can get coverage through their health insurance plan or Medicare Part D if they qualify for coverage under those plans. 

Benefits Of Skyrizi (Risankizumab) 

Skyrizihas been shown in clinical trials to provide rapid relief from psoriasis symptoms within 4 weeks of starting treatment and long-term symptom control after 16 weeks of treatment when taken as directed by your doctor or healthcare provider . 

It can help reduce itching, redness, scaling, burning sensations on the skin caused by psoriasis flare ups , as well as reduce joint pain associated with psoriatic arthritis . Other potential benefits include improved quality of life due to decreased symptoms , improved skin health , and reduced risk of infection .    

Side Effects Of Skyrizi (Risankizumab)  

While most people tolerate taking Skyrizi without any side effects , some people may experience mild or serious adverse reactions such as irritation at the injection site , dizziness , headache , nausea , abdominal pain , rash , itching , joint pain , fatigue , increased appetite or weight gain . 

Most side effects are mild and go away after stopping treatment but if they persist or become severe then you should contact your doctor right away . Additionally, there is an increased risk of infections while taking this medication so make sure you take all necessary precautions such as washing your hands regularly and avoiding contact with people who are sick .

How To Buy Skyrizi From Canada 

If you’re looking to buy Skyrizi online from Canada, you must first obtain a valid prescription from a Canadian healthcare provider. You will also need to fill out an online form in order for the pharmacy to verify your eligibility for the medication. In some cases, you may also be asked to provide additional information such as your medical history or any allergies that you may have. 

Once your eligibility has been verified, you can buy Skyrizi through Usa Script Helpers. You may also call us at our toll free number 1-888-646-7749 if you have any questions about buying Skyrizi from Canada or would like assistance placing an order over the phone. 


Skyrizi helps provide fast relief from psoriasis symptoms but before purchasing it online from Canada make sure you understand how to buy it safely with a valid prescription required for purchase . Additionally make sure you understand the potential benefits and side effects associated with taking this medication so that you can take all necessary precautions while using it correctly . Also remember to store it properly according to manufacturer instructions when not in use so that the active ingredients remain effective during its shelf life .

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The holiday season commences on November 15th, 2023, and concludes on January 15th, 2024. Please be aware that shipping times are slower during the holiday season. Canada Post also suspends their shipping guarantee during this period. We kindly ask that you place your orders as early as possible to avoid the holiday rush.


All products sourced from Canada may take up to 10-14 business days to be received from the original shipment date. Additionally, internationally sourced products could take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to reach your doorstep from the shipping date. We appreciate your choice in USA Script Helpers.

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If you have any questions or would like to speak to a Pharmacist from our contracted Pharmacy department, please do not hesitate to give us a call at our toll free number: 1 (888) 646-7749.

3-Month Supplies

As the amount of medicine constituting a day supply depends on your doctors directions for use, different patients are permitted to order different quantities. Placing an order for more than a 3-month supply may delay your order as we will need to contact you. Contact us for assistance if your 3-month rule compliant desired quantity is not shown.